Monday 18 July 2011


We have supplied a Rhino 590 EHD to be used as the workboat for the EM BOUY Emergency repair operation engineered in 2010 by Wale Marine, our sister company.

See the boat in action:

In 2000 PetroSA / Mossgas installed the 55 m high EM control buoy together with its 2000 Te gravity base in the exposed southern ocean some 100 km off the southern tip of Africa.

10 years later after being incessantly battered by the fatigue loading caused by the seas that pass these exposed environments it was identified in a sub-sea survey that the head of the shackle pin on one of the three tethers had sheared off and was migrating outward endangering the installation, and on a second tether the hanger was cracked.
Rhino Marine’s sister company, Wale Marine, were commissioned by Petro SA and Cape Diving to engineer an emergency solution to rectify this precarious situation that could be implemented in the winter months when the heavy seas prevail.   These works would need to be executed from their small SOV (converted AHT) which had a saturation and air diving spread on board.
The operations to be carried out required a tough work boat that could operate in these harsh conditions. We supplied a Rhino 590 EHD to be used as the workboat for these operations and it proved to be an extremely valuable asset in completing the job successfully. Feedback from the crew operating the boat was only positive and they had they quoted that a conventional RIB, aluminium hull and GRP hull work boat would have struggled to carry out the job in the successful manner that the Rhino did.

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